California University FCE is proud to announce its affiliation with the following institutions:

CHEA – Recognized International Accreditation

Independently Licensed / Registered Institutions

  • American European Academy – is registered as an institution of higher education in Delaware, USA since November 30, 2010.Its degrees are validated through course evaluation & assessment by California University FCE as equivalent to the U.S. regionally accredited degrees.

  • Global Interfaith University – is an affiliate of Rudolph Kwanue University College accredited by the Government of Liberia through the National Commission on Higher Education (NCHE) of the Ministry of Science & Higher Education.

  • Benadir University is regionally accredited by the Ministry of Education, Culture & Higher Education of Somalia. It is also accredited by HEAC to receive the equivalent of U.S. regionally accredited degrees by California University FCE.
  • Shalom University
  • Rahm Thomas University – is an affiliate of Rudolph Kwanue University College accredited by the Government of Liberia through the National Commission on Higher Education (NCHE) of the Ministry of Science & Higher Education. It is accredited by California University FCE.

  • Grace International Bible University – GIBU is accredited by the Board of Quality Assurance (BOA) and the International Quality Assurance Higher Education (IQAHE, USA). GIBU is an affiliate of Rudolph Kwanue University College, IUMA, IKU, BU and GIU. Its degrees are given the equivalent of U.S. regionally accredited degrees by California University FCE.

  • Selinus University of Science & Literature – globally accredited by World Certification Institute WCI) and the International Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (IAQAHE). It is also accredited by California University FCE.

  • Noble International University – is globally accredited and a candidate for ASIC accreditation. It is also accredited by California University FCE

  • JP Jacobs International University – – is registered as an institution of higher education in the UK and in the USA. It is recognized by California University FCE. Its degrees are given the equivalent of U.S. regionally accredited degrees by California University FCE.

  • Ballsbridge University Commonwealth of Dominica – Ballsbridge University is chartered and recognized by the government of Commonwealth of Dominica – a United Nations Member State – as a Higher Education Institution (HEI) with Reg. No. 16184 and a Certificate of Good Standing as per the COMMONWEALTH OF DOMINICA LAWS. BU is legitimate and self regulating awarding Body with accreditation framework duly chartered and legally empowered tofunction under the statutory laws of commonwealth of Dominica. BU is accredited by both academic and professional bodies which provides the reassurance of a credible, academic, industry recognized qualifications. Its large branches are located in the following.

  • * Ballsbridge University College London – accredited by Cambridge Institute of World Chartered Accountants-London.

  • The American Open University – 4212 King St, Alexandria, Virginia, – Registered with the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, USA.

  • Lahore Institute of Medical Education – an affiliate of Punjab Medical Faculty-a government examining body of the Punjab Department of Health, Pakistan.

  • Education Quality Accreditation Commission (EQAC) – The EQAC is committed to promote high standards of education, to recognize professional excellence, and to provide an invaluable guide to education recognition and quality in the complex sector of world wide education.

    (English) (Spanish)

  • HongJing International Education – is registered professional education institute in China and is principally engaged in Accounting, Auditing, Corporate Finance Consulting Services, Training, e-Learning and e-Commerce Business. They have offices located in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Beijing as well as Shanghai.

  • Société Nationale Ingénieurs Professionnels de France (SNIPF) – is registered and accredited as a professional engineering association. It is a federation of 18 regional associations and an international delegation strengthened by the International Group. SNIPF certifies the competence of Professional Engineers in France and award the title of IPF-Ingenieurs Professionnels de France. It is associate member of the National Council of Engineers and Scientists of France. The IPF title is conforms to the standard of: The International Standard ISO/IEC 17024, under COFRAC’s annual controls. Certified Engineers are listed according to ISCO- International Standard Classification of Occupations, under the auspices if the ILO/UN. The Professional Engineer Competency Certificate issued by NPF recognizes the capability of the Professional Engineer in a specific specialty. This award is recognized by 196 UN member countries and worldwide.
