The university registrar is responsible for reviewing the academic records of graduating students to ensure they have completed all necessary prerequisites and required areas of study within their specified degree curriculum. Students identified as missing any required courses will be ineligible for graduation and must complete remedial courses before being reconsidered as candidates for graduation. Such issues could have been avoided if the initial evaluations had been conducted thoroughly.

Many universities that admit foreign students often rely on foreign credential evaluation reports. These reports typically translate the foreign transcripts into English but do not properly analyze or compare them to the U.S. degree curriculum. As a result, foreign students nearing the end of their studies may find that their transcripts are reviewed by the registrar, revealing deficiencies in their curriculum compliance. Consequently, these students are unable to graduate with their class due to missing required areas of study that were overlooked by the foreign credential evaluators at the time of enrollment.

To address these issues, university registrars often incur additional costs by outsourcing the credit evaluation of their graduating students, due to the inadequacies of some foreign credential evaluation reports provided by some members of accredited evaluation services. The Curriculum Accreditation Council was established to solve these problems by providing accurate and thorough foreign credential evaluation reports. The council submits its findings to university registrars, offering guidance on the courses that candidates for graduation need to complete in order to satisfy degree requirements. Institutional members listed below receive a thirty percent 30% discount on this service.

Accredited Institutional Members: